Even though everything on this page is not significant, a lot of time and effort has been put into them.
I gladly create and provide these tools for people who might see some benefit in using them.
I however do wish to ask to consider looking around on my site to see what else i have to offer.

youtube-dl-cli – download tool

  • A straight-forward CLI tool that makes use of the youtube-dl software to download media from streaming sites.
    This tool simplifys and automates the process of downloading videos (and audio) files.
  • Why use this tool instead of other tools that come with a GUI? simple.
    Many front-end gui’s will convert the output you are trying to grab, regardless of your decision.
    This tool is made with the intention to preserve quality and data, and will ALWAYS try to give closest output possible.
    It will soon also include the ability to download from sites that need an account to proceed. (basic knowledge needed)

Release: v1.0.0
Download: soon… (windows only)
Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/hh2sAgB.png

Music weight calculator

  • A simple Excel calculation document for calculating the estimated weight of music items.
    This sheet is useful for calculating weight of items where you might have a weight limit. (for instance proxy services)
    For calculating: 8cm CD/CD/DVD/Cassette/VHS etc.

Release: version 0.9.4 (2025.02.06)
Hosted version: https://melokei.com/music-weight-calculator/